Философ | Деятель | Буддолог, тибетолог, переводчик | Поэт, писатель | МК CV | Контакты |
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Margarita Kojevnikova Graduated from Novosibirsk State University, Humanity Faculty specializing on philology, including foreign languages (Japanese, English). From 1992 she had been working in Memorial Museum of Russian travellor P.K. Kozlov, SPb HIS Academy of Russia. In this period she was participating in making project of exposition of the Museum and later making the exposition itself making research, particularly, on the history of Tibetological Buddhological school of Th. Scherbatsky. From 1992 Margarita Kojevnikova was a president of NGO "Friends of Tibet" Society www.Tibet.spb.ru). Margarita Kojevnikova also is interpetor and translator. She translated lectures on Tibetan Buddhism and Buddhist texts from Tibetan and English. She made PhD thesis on philosophy of education in Buddhist tradition at the Philosophical Faculty of St.Petersburg State University. In last years she actively works in the field of philosophy of education. ___________________________________________________________________________________Leading Fellow of Federal research state institution 'Institute of Education management, Russian Academy of education' (St. Petersburg branch, Russia). Ph.D. in social philosophy, philosophy of education. The main areas of work - philosophy of education; Buddhology; Tibetology. NGO - Pedagogical movement 'Education of man' http://www.o-ch.ru (director) The areas of research - philosophy of subjectness’; sociality in education; teacher's self-awareness; teacher's autonomy and learning pedagogical community; practical philosophy in education; teacher education; religious and moral education; educational research. Work experience Ph.D. in social philosophy, Philosophy of education. Thesis: Philosophy of education in Buddhist tradition. 1993-2012 Fellow, Senior Fellow (area of research - Tibetology and Buddhology)- Academic Museum of the Russian researcher of Central Asia P.K. Kozlov, Institute of the History of Science and Technology of the Russian Academy of Sciences, St. Petersburg. 1991-1998- scientific consultant on the development of national educational programs for the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Kalmykia and the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Tuva. 2012 - 2015 Senior Fellow - Institute of Teacher and Adult Education, research state institution of Russian Academy of education. St. Petersburg, Russia. 2015- Leading Fellow - Federal research state institution 'Institute of Education management, Russian Academy of education' (St. Petersburg branch, Russia).Books, chapters Kozhevnikova M. N. (2017) Conversations about life and death, based on the collection of Buddhist texts. Moscow. (For adolescence. Approved by the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Tuva) - 250 p. (In Russian) Kozhevnikova M. N. / Managing Editor, Author (2015) The horizons of a new sociality in education / Collective monograph.. - St. Petersburg: Russian Christian Humanitarian Academy. 447 p. / Ch.1, Ch.5. Pp. 12-193, 366-447 (In Russian) Kozhevnikova M. N. / Managing Editor, Author (2014) The teacher with oneself. St. Petersburg, Lema Publishing house. 176 p. (In Russian) Pp. 41-58, 78 - 131. Kozhevnikova M. N. (2014) The Teaching: Buddhist Tradition of Philosophy of Education. St. Petersburg, Aleteya.292 p. (In Russian) Kozhevnikova M. N./ Managing Editor, Author (2011) Education of man. Philosophy of Education: the Seminar. (Collective monograph) St. Petersburg, Lema Publishing house. 320 p. (In Russian) Kozhevnikova M. N./ Compiler, translator, author. (2011) The Lotus Garden. The anthology of Buddhist texts and textbook for children 10-11 year old. St. Petersburg, Narthang Publishing house. - 344 p. (In Russian) Publications in Engish: Kozhevnikova, Margarita (2016) Desire in Buddhism and the concept of "Child people" and "True adults" // Desire: The Concept and Its Practical Context. - Transaction Praxiology, volume 24. - P.135-155. Kozhevnikova M. (2013) Teacher in oneself and with oneself, In Acta paedagogica, no. 31. - Pp. 95-109. 31 articles on the philosophy of education for the last 5 years (2013-2017) Works in the area of practical philosophy in education Educational programs 'Book about me' - Program for the development of views, thinking and creative activities for children 6-8 year old. - 36 hours 'World of people' - Program for the development of social thinking and behavior for children 6-8 year old. - 18 hours The ethical research of religious texts for children Kozhevnikova M. N. (2011) The Lotus Garden. The anthology of Buddhist texts and textbook for children 10-11 year old. Kozhevnikova M. N. (2017) Conversations about life and death, based on the collection of Buddhist texts. For adolescence. The program on the ethical research for teachers Kozhevnikova M. (Author, reader, instructor) Ethical research and moral education at the lessons or in out-of-school-hours learning activities. On the example of 'The Fundamentals of Religious Cultures and Secular Ethics' course (on Buddhist culture). - 72 hours The program on the practical philosophy in education Kozhevnikova M. (Author, reader, instructor) The Workshop of Teachers' Philosophy. - 72 hours |
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